Ladies and gentlemen, gather around, for today is a historic day. After what felt like an eternity of suffering, after countless hours of begging, borrowing, and borderline considering a career in goblin crime, I have finally done it. I HAVE A MECHANOSTRIDER. 🎉🎉🎉...

Gone Fishing: The Real Endgame of WoW Classic
After a long day of grinding, dungeon running, and being chased by angry mobs, there’s nothing better than casting a line, sitting back, and enjoying some good old-fashioned fishing. No spells, no fighting, just me, a fishing pole, and whatever horrors lurk beneath...

Inventory Management: Or How I Became a Professional Hoarder
There’s never enough bag space. Never. No matter how many bags I have, they’re always full. I could have Netherweave Bags, enchanted bottomless backpacks, or even some kind of arcane pocket dimension, and I’d still be out of space. I tell myself I’ll clean it up. Be...

Level 40 and Broke: Where’s My Horse?!
I did it. Level 40. A milestone, a moment of triumph, a time to celebrate! Or at least, it should be… if I wasn’t completely broke. You see, in Classic WoW, hitting level 40 isn’t just about leveling up—it’s about finally getting a mount. No more running for miles, no...

Confessions of a Mage: I Have a Drinking Problem
Confessions of a Mage: I Have a Drinking Problem Hi, my name is Bobosmrade, and I have a drinking problem. No, not that kind. I mean the Classic WoW mage kind, where I spend more time chugging water than actually casting spells. At first, I thought being a mage would...

Just Because You Quest in the Woods Doesn’t Mean You Have to Eat Like a Lumberjack
Fine Dining & Tasty Recipes Up to Level 20 Listen, just because I spend most of my time running through forests, fighting wolves, and picking herbs doesn’t mean I have to survive on stale bread and questionable meat scraps. My gnome mage may be small, but I have...

Back to Azeroth – One Slow Step at a Time
I’m back! After years away from World of Warcraft, I’ve returned to Azeroth. This time, I’m playing a gnome mage,small, kinda cute, and not very fast. And wow… I forgot how slow Classic WoW is. Running anywhere feels like a mini marathon. I spend more time watching my...