I’m back! After years away from World of Warcraft, I’ve returned to Azeroth. This time, I’m playing a gnome mage,small, kinda cute, and not very fast.

And wow… I forgot how slow Classic WoW is. Running anywhere feels like a mini marathon. I spend more time watching my little gnome jog across Dun Morogh than actually playing. It’s basically a running simulator with extra wolves.

But honestly? I love it. The slow pace makes everything feel more rewarding. Getting a few copper feels like a big win. Learning a new spell? Feels amazing. Beating up a trogg? Best moment of my day.

And it’s not just the fighting I’m having a blast doing all the small things too. Picking herbs, making potions, fishing in random lakes, and even cooking up some questionable gnome-sized meals. Who knew watching a progress bar fill up could be so satisfying?

So here I am, enjoying the grind, freezing enemies, collecting everything that isn’t nailed down, and slowly making my way through Azeroth, one tiny step at a time.