Confessions of a Mage: I Have a Drinking Problem

Hi, my name is Bobosmrade, and I have a drinking problem.

No, not that kind. I mean the Classic WoW mage kind, where I spend more time chugging water than actually casting spells.

At first, I thought being a mage would be all about slinging fireballs and freezing enemies in their tracks. Turns out, it’s mostly about casting three spells and then immediately sitting down for a drink. My gnome may be small, but the amount of water I consume would put an entire tavern out of business.

I go into battle fully hydrated, yet somehow, after every fight, I’m left gasping for mana like a fish out of water. And let’s not even talk about early dungeons. The moment my mana bar drops, I’m basically just a guy in a robe watching other people play the game.

The good news? Mages can conjure their own water. The bad news? It tastes like sadness and regret. I spend half my time summoning drinks just to keep myself going. If I had a copper for every sip I’ve taken, I’d be richer than a goblin merchant.

So if you ever see a tiny gnome sitting down after every fight, just know—it’s not because I’m lazy. It’s because being a mage in Classic WoW is secretly a hydration challenge.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go make more water. Again.