There’s never enough bag space. Never. No matter how many bags I have, they’re always full. I could have Netherweave Bags, enchanted bottomless backpacks, or even some kind of arcane pocket dimension, and I’d still be out of space.

I tell myself I’ll clean it up. Be more organized. Sell the junk. But then I look at my bags, and I see…

  • 17 different herbs (I’ll use them someday, probably. Maybe.)
  • Random fish (Why do I even have these? They’re not even cooked.)
  • 5 stacks of linen cloth (For my alt who will definitely be a tailor. One day. Probably.)
  • Weapons I can’t use (But they might be worth something at the auction house. One day.)
  • Quest items I no longer need (But what if I need them again? You never know.)

And then there’s the real bag-space killertrinkets and random clickable items that do absolutely nothing useful. A pumpkin head? Keeping it. A toy that makes me dance? Essential. Lunar Fireworks? Must have.

So every time I loot something new, I play The Bag Space Game™, where I have to decide: what stays and what gets deleted? Spoiler: everything stays, and I just stand there for five minutes, trying to make space while my group runs ahead.

Do I need professional help? Maybe. Do I need more bag space? Absolutely. But will I ever throw away that low-level wand from a dungeon I did 20 levels ago?

Not a chance.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go find a vendor and immediately regret every item I sell.